On October 19th, Homemade Texas and the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance joined forces to send a letter notifying the city of Waxahachie of several illegal requirements that had been placed on Waxahachie cottage food operators, namely:
- That a single ingredient such as “cream cheese” does not disqualify a food from being sold under the cottage food law.
- That neither local health departments nor DSHS have been granted the authority to review or approve recipes.
- That a local health department does not have the authority to require a cottage food operator to submit recipes prior to participating in an event.
- That it is illegal to require a cottage food operator to purchase a “Food Establishment” permit, temporary or not.
Homemade Texas and the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance have been working for more than a decade to pass improved laws for home food production and protect the rights of those who rely on these small businesses for income. Please consider becoming a member to support our work as we head into the 2023 Texas Legislative Session.